Sunday, October 24, 2010

onwards to the orient


i'm so so so super duper sorry i've been so quiet recently. there's really no excuse for leaving this little blog posted for such long boughts of time, and i feel terrible about it. and yet it may remain quiet here still, at least for the next few weeks. tomorrow i fly to china for 3 weeks (excited beyond words!) and i'm hoping i'll be able to blog from there but i'm really not sure. after china i'll get back home in time for final exams, which will eat up another week, and a school camp, which goes for... i'm not really sure how long (i'm hopeless).
so darlings, please don't ever think i've abandoned this blog. i do try, it's just sometimes things get in the way, even things that don't really exist, like the stormclouds that have been filling my head for the past few weeks. i'm just hoping china will have a better effect on the weather in there. i have no reason to be gloomy at all. not one. and i swear i will absolutely try hard as i can to write here and to all of you sometime in china. thank you so, so much for bearing with me. it really means so much. you all have gigantic star hearts, forever eclipsing and amazing me.

love forever,
me, made of ink


  1. love, i hope you have the most fabulous time in china (i mean wow! that is the coolest place ever, i've never been but can only imagine).

    love, me.

  2. Dear Grace, I'm sorry to say, those stormclouds are real. But like all storms, this one will pass eventually, and the damage will not be irreparable. When your mind has cleared and your events calendar has emptied, I shall look forward to seeing you back here. I miss your beautiful words so much. But until then, au revoir love, and enjoy your adventures. x

  3. sometimes the knowledge that we have no real reason to be gloomy can make us gloomier, so don't think like that. accept that you are sad and let it overwhelm - you must feel the pain before you can recover. so, let the storm clouds rain.
    have a wonderful time in china xx
